Sunday, January 31, 2010

it's a boy!

Early yesterday morning, the first goat kid was born on our farm. There were actually two born, twin bucklings, but one didn't survive. This little guy and his mama are doing just fine, and after an insane couple of days, we are bone tired. Goat birthing is messy business, and it seems to be practically a given that they will kid in the coldest, lousiest possible weather. Just the same, they come through. We haven't named him thus far. Suggestions are welcome.


  1. OMG SQUEE! He is so, so, so, SO CUTE.

    Also, I think he looks like a Norbert. Bert for short.

    My friends up in OK have a bebeh nubian goat, too, and I have a pic of her this past weekend sitting on Doug's lab wearing a sweater. I almost fainted of the cute when I saw it.

  2. Congratulations!!! He looks like a Billy to me.

  3. I've been calling him Ronnie James Dio.
