Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Yeah, Yeah, I know.

So it's been more than a few days, and I have no pictures. That's just the way it is sometimes, I'm afraid. I completely forgot to take the camera with me to the goat class. It was pretty great, though - I learned a lot, got to try my hand at milking, and got to meet some very sweet goats. I have a similar class this Saturday, but involving cows, so we'll see how that goes. I'm excited about that too. I'm pretty heavily favoring goats right now. I found that I wasn't drawn to sheep nearly as much as goats and I'm really not into fiber crafts, so I may consider adding them down the road but for now sheep are off the table. I like the idea of a cow, but that would be a considerable amount of milk to deal with, so I'll have to think about that some more. Goats are looking good, though! Milk, cheese, butter, soap!

Everyone else here is doing well. The ducks are looking much better these days and are getting less timid all the time. A couple more weeks and they'll be ready to come out of their house. The rabbits are happy for the cooler weather, the garden bed is dug and half-fenced and cooking up nicely for spring, the bees are buzzy and the chickens are their usual silly selves. We're spending more time indoors now, getting the house organized, doing lots of cooking and canning and generally getting ready for winter, which seems to be coming sooner than usual this year.

Speaking of winter, I'm working on ideas for homemade Christmas gifts that aren't too hokey. No one seems to have much to spend this year, us included, and we really want to give some gifts that truly came from us. I don't knit or sew, so that's out. We've got some other ideas in the works, though - it's just a question of whether we can pull them off. What about everyone else? Any homespun gifts on the horizon? Any ideas? I'd like to try blown egg ornaments, but need to do some research on that.

That's all I have for now - hopefully next time I'll actually have something to talk about.


  1. I'm enjoying the benefits of a friend's milk cow - she does provide milk, butter, and cheese making opportunities for two families. Right now she's so happy she's giving about 3 gallons a day with 20% cream!

    Goats sound great. I'd try and put them on my city lot but that might be pushing it. So far the chickens are cool.

  2. Oh my goodness, that sounds wonderful! I'd love to be able to make my own butter. Mmmmm...butter!

  3. Mmmmm crafty crafts. I love that crap. ;) Good luck coming up with some good ideas!

  4. I've been known to "shop" my own bookshelves for presents during lean years. No one's ever been bummed out about it -- last couple of years I've given lots of jam, homemade pates, etc. in gift baskets that I supplement with some splits of wine or champagne. All my friends are old like me, and we all have enough stuff, but we still like to eat well!

  5. I have been thinking a lot about homemade gifts for my family. I can sew, so some of the nieces and nephews will get pillowcases with fun/crazy fabric. For some of the adults, I was thinking of making coordinating table cloth/placemat/napkin settings (the easiest sewing you can do-just hemming). I also might try to braid a few trivets out of leftover denim or wool scraps from braiding rugs. I think making an assortment of fruit you dried yourself is good to ship(i.e. very light). I also though about making homemade granola and/or trail mix to give as gifts. I try not to give too many chocolates/sweets because I get so sick of them during the holidays. I also find that browsing Etsy every once in a while gives me fresh ideas for gift giving.
